Local Distributors

Eppendorf Nederland B.V.
Kerkenbos 1101
6546 BC Nijmegen
Phone: +31 24 3717 600
Fax: +31 24 3717 640
E-Mail: info@eppendorf.nl
Web: www.eppendorf.nl
- All
Laboratory Supplier
Rabroekenweg 20 (or P.O. Box 37)
7942 JE Meppel
Phone: +31 522 268 700
Fax: +31 522 260 779
E-Mail: boombv@boomlab.nl
Web: www.boomlab.nl
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates
Fisher Scientific B.V.
Scheepsbouwersweg 1b (P. O. Box 4)
1120 AA Landsmeer
Phone: +31 (0) 20-487 70 00
Fax: +31 (0) 20-487 70 70
E-Mail: nl.info@thermofisher.com
Web: www.nl.fishersci.com
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates
Labo Scientific B.V.
Jennerstraat 9b
6718 XS Ede
Phone: +31 318 642 996
E-Mail: info@laboscientific.nl
Web: www.laboscientific.nl
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates
Industriezone Grensland E2
Ringlaan 7
B-8930 Menen
Phone: +32 (0)56 531.133
Fax: +32 (0)56 531.143
E-Mail: info@mls.be
Web: www.mls.be
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates
Merck Life Science NV
Haarlerbergweg 21 A
Amsterdam, 1101 CH
Phone: 0800 02 29 088
E-Mail: benlcustomerrelations@merckgroup.com
- Biophoto- and Biospectrometers
- Celltechnology
- Centrifuges and rotors
- CO2 Incubators
- Dispensers
- Freezers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- PCR Thermocyclers and consumables
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates
- Shakers
VWR International B.V.
Basisweg 34
1043 AP Amsterdam
Phone: +31 20 4808 400
Fax: +31 20 4808 480
E-Mail: info.nl@vwr.com
Web: www.vwr.com
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates