- Challenges and Chances: A Review of the 1st Stem Cell Community Day
- Summertime, and the Livin’ Is Easy…
- Follow-on-Biologics – More than Simple Generics
- Bacteria Versus Body Cells: A 1:1 Tie
- Behind the Crime Scene: How Biological Traces Can Help to Convict Offenders
- Every 3 Seconds Someone in the World Is Affected by Alzheimer's
- HIV – It’s Still Not Under Control…
- How Many Will Be Convicted This Time?
- Malaria – the Battle is Not Lost
- Physicians on Standby: The Annual Flu Season Can Be Serious
- At the Forefront in Fighting Cancer
- Molecular Motors: Think Small and yet Smaller Again…
- Liquid Biopsy: Novel Methods May Ease Cancer Detection and Therapy
- They Are Invisible, Sneaky and Disgusting – But Today It’s Their Special Day!
- How Many Cells Are in Your Body? Probably More Than You Think!
- What You Need to Know about Antibiotic Resistance – Findings, Facts and Good Intentions
- Why Do Old Men Have Big Ears?
- The Condemned Live Longer: A Potential Paradigm Shift in Genetics
- From Research to Commerce
- Chronobiology – How the Cold Seasons Influence Our Biorhythms
- Taskforce Microbots: Targeted Treatment from Inside the Body
- Eyes on Cancer Therapy
- Challenges and Chances: A Review of the 1st Stem Cell Community Day
- Summertime, and the Livin’ Is Easy…
- Follow-on-Biologics – More than Simple Generics
- Bacteria Versus Body Cells: A 1:1 Tie
- Behind the Crime Scene: How Biological Traces Can Help to Convict Offenders
- Every 3 Seconds Someone in the World Is Affected by Alzheimer's
- HIV – It’s Still Not Under Control…
- How Many Will Be Convicted This Time?
- Malaria – the Battle is Not Lost
- Physicians on Standby: The Annual Flu Season Can Be Serious
- At the Forefront in Fighting Cancer
- Molecular Motors: Think Small and yet Smaller Again…
- Liquid Biopsy: Novel Methods May Ease Cancer Detection and Therapy
- They Are Invisible, Sneaky and Disgusting – But Today It’s Their Special Day!
- How Many Cells Are in Your Body? Probably More Than You Think!
- What You Need to Know about Antibiotic Resistance – Findings, Facts and Good Intentions
- Why Do Old Men Have Big Ears?
- The Condemned Live Longer: A Potential Paradigm Shift in Genetics
- From Research to Commerce
- Chronobiology – How the Cold Seasons Influence Our Biorhythms
- Taskforce Microbots: Targeted Treatment from Inside the Body
- Eyes on Cancer Therapy

アプリケーションに適したラボシェーカーとアクセサリを見つけてください –
詳細については、以下の「About Lab Shaker」のタブをご覧ください。
1946年に最初のラボシェーカーが導入されて以来、New Brunswickシェーカーは業界で最も広く使用されている製品の1つです。 Eppendorfの高品質で製造されたNew Brunswickラボシェーカーは、事実上すべてのグローバル市場で引き続き主導的な地位を占めています。
Incubated lab shakers
If the growth atmosphere needs to be controlled (e.g. temperature and photosynthetic light) and medium or high throughput is needed, an incubated lab shaker is necessary. Usually, incubated lab shakers are grouped based on any of the following criteria:
- Temperature control: cooling for a minimum of 4 °C, heating for a maximum of 80 °C
- Speed range (25 – 500 rpm)
- Position in the lab (benchtop, under bench or stackable floor models)
- Stackability (2- or 3-fold)
- Capacity and throughput: vessel type, size and capacity
- Mode of loading (front vs. top loading)
- CO2 control
- Photosynthetic light

Flask clamps for lab shakers
Eppendorf flask clamps for lab shakers are made of a single piece stainless-steel construction (not spot welded or riveted) for added strength and safety. All flask clamps come with coiled wire springs for added safety and stability at higher shaking speeds. Flasks clamps for 2, 2.8, 4 and 6 L and higher volumes come with an extra girdle for added security.
Available clamps for lab shakers:
- Erlenmeyer flask clamps (10 mL – 6 L)
- 2.8 L Fernbach flask clamps
- 2 L Lauber Thompson flask clamps

Biological Shaker Service
Eppendorf offers a choice of preventive maintenance services and service agreement options for consistent instrument performance and confidence in safety.
New: Global Biological Shaker Service Agreements from cost-efficient to all-inclusive care packages for easier service process, maximized uptime, and peace of mind!