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Liquid Handling - Pipettes, Dispensers, Pipetting Robots & More


Our Pipettes are Built with Six Decades of Expertise

For more than 60 years, Eppendorf has been at the forefront of pipette technology, offering reliable solutions for laboratories all over the world. Pipettes are essential tools in the world of scientific research, facilitating precise, ergonomic and easy transfer of liquids. Our competence and expertise in liquid handling has resulted in many innovations, award-winning ergonomic designs, cutting edge production and the selection of optimal materials for our products.

The Eppendorf Liquid Handling Instrument Portfolio

Today, pipettes, dispensers and automated liquid handlers from Eppendorf are used wherever accuracy, precision, and absolute reliability are important. With our liquid handling systems, we strive to simplify cumbersome lab work and make it as safe and efficient as possible so you can concentrate on and accelerate your research.




液体处理系统由仪器部件和吸头组成。但是,仅仅将吸头安装在移液器上,并无法保证液体处理系统的性能,让组件仪器和吸头的性能打折扣 Eppendorf微量移液器和移液器吸头可以更好匹配,以确保更佳的精确度和准确度。 我们的移液器吸头有多种型号和尺寸以及经过认证的纯度等级可供选择,能够满足当今实验室的各种需求。




数字解决方案可以让您的日常实验室工作更加安全、高效。使用我们的 VisioNize®云解决方案 跟踪您的仪器和样品、规划下次移液器校准工作,或使用 移液管理软件 升级您的电子移液器,方便您与同事协作,更加快速、准确地完成工作。