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Cold Storage


How to optimize cold storage in my lab and how to select a -80 °C freezer?

Sample storage is not limited to the ULT freezer. Storage goes beyond a freezer and vessels.
Did you ever calculate the value within your freezer? All the hours, days, weeks, and months spent on your samples? More than 50,000 samples fit into large, standard ULTs. The value of every single sample differs – from simple buffers to high-value cell extracts, expensive enzymes, or very rare sample material. Assuming an average value of 10 € per vial, the total value already reaches 500,000 euro or dollars.
Storage is not limited to being a storage room for samples. The freezer and related equipment is your assurance for long-term scientific success, it guards the results of your work.

The process of sample storage includes the right selection of vessels, a reliable labeling/ identification of your samples, robust freezer boxes and racks, a convenient sample management tool, the freezer itself, and freezer performance monitoring systems.
Still, the freezer is the core of your sample storage system:

Eppendorf offers different lines of -80 °C lab ULT freezers to meet a variety of needs. Depending on the approach, there are different questions to answer before you select your Ultra-Low-Temperature freezer, also known as ULT freezer to store your freezer boxes and your valuable samples:

• Which type of vessels are used in our lab?
• How many samples need to be stored?
• How can I improve our paper-based sample documentation system?
• Do I need to replace an old/ broken freezer, enlarge my storage capacities or is this my first freezer?
• Do I need an upright freezer or a chest freezer to store my freezer boxes?
• Which freezer footprint in the lab is sufficient and/or acceptable?
• Where can I install the freezer – in the lab, hallway, basement,…?
• Can I re-use existing freezer racks?
• Do I need green cooling liquids such as R290/R170?
• What is a back-up system?
• How can I receive notifications if something happens to my freezer?


您是否统计过在样品处理上究竟花费了多少时间?一台大型标准 可以储存超过5万份样品。每份样品的价值各异——既有简单的缓冲液,也有高价值细胞提取物、昂贵的酶或非常罕见的样品材料。假设每瓶样品的平均价值为10欧元,那么总价值便已经达到50万欧元。当冰箱内主要储存历经数月工作才获得的高价值样品时,总价值则会远远超过50万欧元。您计划购入的新冰箱不仅需要具备样品储藏功能, 还要能确保您取得长期科研工作的成功,保护您的工作成果。
Eppendorf超低温冰箱配有可靠的重型压缩机(二级级联制冷系统)。快速降温功能确保仪器可在清洁/解冻后立即重复使用。开门后冰箱可以快速恢复至 -80°C,进一步保障样品安全。冰箱温控范围为-50°C 至 -86°C。为提高样品安全性,Eppendorf超低温冰箱还可配备CO2/LN2后备系统和图表记录器。温度监控系统可用于远程监控冰箱。




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