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Eppendorf Vis Cuvettes

Product Information

The Eppendorf Vis Cuvettes are disposable cuvettes made of clear plastic with a light transmission of 300 nm to 900 nm. These cuvettes are perfect for applications outside of the UV range, such as colorimetric protein assays (Bradford, Lowry, etc.), determining of the optical density of bacterial cultures (OD600 methods), and kinetic and fluorescence measurements.

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Products (2)

Accessories (2)

    • plastic cuvette for measurements in the Vis range, max. filling volume 4,500 µL
    • 1,000 cuvettes (10 boxes × 100 cuvettes)
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    Catalog no. 0030079345

      • plastic cuvette for measurements in the Vis range
      • max. filling volume 3,000 µL
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      Catalog no. 0030079353

      Product Information


      The Eppendorf Vis Cuvettes are disposable cuvettes made of clear plastic with a light transmission of 300 nm to 900 nm for spectrophotometers or photometers. The Vis Cuvettes are the perfect tool for applications outside of the UV range, for example, colorimetric protein assays (Bradford, Lowry, etc.), determining of the optical density of bacterial cultures (OD 600 methods), kinetic, and fluorescence measurements. Based on the volume you would like to measure, you can select semi-micro or macro cuvette.
      Common photometric applications such as colorimetric protein assays (Bradford, Lowry, etc.), determining the optical density of bacterial cultures (OD 600) or kinetic measurements, often require a standard curve and many samples measurements. To support this high throughput, Vis Cuvettes are packaged in 10 boxes of 100 cuvettes each. The boxes enable safe storage of the cuvettes while offering convenient access to each cuvette. The Vis Cuvettes can be used in all common photometers that accommodate 12.5 mm x 12.5 mm cuvettes.
      For safe handling, cuvettes should be handled in combination with specific cuvette holders.

      Safe line-up of your cuvettes needed?

      Due to their light weight and the small footprint, cuvettes tend to tip on the bench. To avoid this loss of high value samples due to these accidents, a dedicated rack for cuvettes is recommended. These racks have special square-footed wells for the cuvettes.
      On top, the array of several cuvettes with individual sample content in a specific rack reduces the risk of mixing up your samples.
      Video – Easy programming of standard curves for colorimetric assays with the Eppendorf BioSpectrometer

      Downloads: Eppendorf Vis Cuvettes