- Benchtop Centrifuges
- Floor-Standing Centrifuges
- Refrigerated Centrifuges
- Microcentrifuges
- Multipurpose Centrifuges
- High-Speed Centrifuges
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- Concentrator
- IVD Products
- High-Speed and Ultracentrifugation Consumables
- Centrifuge Tubes
- Centrifuge Plates
- Device Management Software
- Sample and Information Management
- Benchtop Centrifuges
- Floor-Standing Centrifuges
- Refrigerated Centrifuges
- Microcentrifuges
- Multipurpose Centrifuges
- High-Speed Centrifuges
- Ultracentrifuges
- Concentrator
- IVD Products
- High-Speed and Ultracentrifugation Consumables
- Centrifuge Tubes
- Centrifuge Plates
- Device Management Software
- Sample and Information Management
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General Quality Certificates
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Our Certificates Team would be happy to answer your question!
Please find below general quality certificates for Eppendorf plastic consumables. Additionally, lot specific certificates can be obtained for Eppendorf plastic consumables with the purity grades Sterile, PCR clean, Biopur® , and Protein-free.
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If you have any further questions you may contact us .
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