- Services pour bioprocédés
- Services pour centrifugeuse et rotors
- Services pour Mastercycler
- Services pour automates de pipetage
- Services pour congélateurs
- Services pour incubateurs
- Services pour agitateurs
- Services pour appareils de photométrie
- Service de contrôle de la température et de l’agitation
- Service pour pipette
- Services pour bioprocédés
- Services pour centrifugeuse et rotors
- Services pour Mastercycler
- Services pour automates de pipetage
- Services pour congélateurs
- Services pour incubateurs
- Services pour agitateurs
- Services pour appareils de photométrie
- Service de contrôle de la température et de l’agitation
- Service pour pipette
- Centrifugeuses de paillasse
- Centrifugeuses au sol
- Centrifugeuses réfrigérées
- Microcentrifugeuses
- Centrifugeuses multi-fonctions
- Centrifugeuses haute vitesse
- Ultracentrifugeuses
- Concentrateur
- High-Speed and Ultracentrifugation Consumables
- Accessoires
- Tubes
- Plaques
- Gestion des appareils
- Gestion des échantillons et des informations
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Bioprocess Services
A propos des Bioprocess Services
5 familles de produits
Peak performance of your bioprocess system throughout its life cycle.
You develop. We support. You develop the bioprocesses of the future. We support you with solutions to achieve your intended results. Our services begin with installation of your bioprocess equipment by certified experts and continue with regular maintenance to proactively care for your equipment and detect issues before they become a problem. We also provide trainings for new and existing users. All of our services are designed to support you with your quality objectives as well as regulatory and compliance needs. Our globally distributed Applications and Technical Service teams are available to provide added support. They are more than problem-solvers; they are dedicated to helping you reach your bioprocess goals.
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I need technical support for my Eppendorf bioprocess system. Whom can I contact?
If you require service or technical support, please contact us.
- Asia/Pacific/Africa
Email: - China
Email: - Europe
Email: - Latin America
Email: - North America
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Where can I download software and firmware updates for my bioprocess systems?
Software and firmware revisions are made available, so that all users can benefit from the latest performance enhancements.
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Bioprocess Knowledge Hub
Empowering you. Our Knowledge Hub provides you with insights and suggestions to efficiently set up process monitoring and control strategies, to find the right scale-up strategy, and many more. Each bioprocess is unique and requires a distinct approach. Whether you are cultivating cells, bacteria, or yeasts, let’s bioprocess together to unlock your success.