Local Distributors

Eppendorf Norge A/S
Gaustadalleen 21
0349 Oslo
NO 911 700 999
Phone: +47 22 56 66 32
E-Mail: nordic@eppendorf.dk
Web: www.eppendorf.com/NO-en/
- All
AH Diagnostics AS
Postboks 4499 Nydalen
NO-0403 Oslo
Phone: +47 2323 3260
Fax: +45 8745 1292
E-Mail: ahdiagnostics@ahdiagnostics.no
- Biophoto- and Biospectrometers
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- PCR Thermocyclers and consumables
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates
Dipl. Ing. Houm AS
Grefsenveien 64
0487 Oslo
Phone: 22 09 40 00
Fax: 22 09 40 40
E-Mail: post@houm.no
Web: www.houm.no
- Cell Culture Consumables
- Celltechnology
- Centrifuges and rotors
- CO2 Incubators
- Dispensers
- Freezers
- Pipettes
- Shakers
Fisher Scientific
Frysjaveien 33E
0884 Oslo
Phone: +47 22 95 59 59
Fax: +47 22 95 59 40
E-Mail: fisher.no@thermofisher.com
Web: www.no.fishersci.com
- Centrifuges and rotors
- CO2 Incubators
- Dispensers
- Freezers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates
- Shakers
Merck Life Science AS,
an affiliate of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
Drammensveien 123
0277 Oslo
Phone: +47 (0) 810 62645
E-Mail: customerrelationsNorway@merckgroup.com
- Biophoto- and Biospectrometers
- Celltechnology
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Freezers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- PCR Thermocyclers and consumables
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates
- Shakers
VWR International AS
Brynsalleen 4
0667 Oslo
Phone: + 47 0 22 90
Fax: + 47 815 00 940
E-Mail: info@no.vwr.com
Web: www.vwr.com
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates