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Microplate 384/V-PP

Catalog No. 0030627300

Price 1 604,00 €



Product Information

  • DNA LoBind®, wells clear, 140 µL, LoBind®
  • PCR clean, white, 240 plates (10 bags × 24 plates)

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  • Eppendorf LoBind material ensures optimized sample recovery for improved assay results
  • Free of surface coating (e.g. silicone) to minimize the risk of sample interference
  • Lot-certified PCR clean purity grade: free of human DNA, DNase, RNase and PCR inhibitors
  • Available in tube, microplate, and deepwell plate formats for easy-up scaling
  • High-contrast Unique OptiTrack® matrix: up to 30 % faster sample identification and fewer pipetting errors
  • RecoverMax® well design: optimized well geometry for minimal remaining/dead volume and excellent mixing properties
  • Raised well rims and a smooth surface ensure reliable sealing