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Reservoir Rack Module Tips

Catalog No. 5075751950

Price $ 992.00



Product Information

for use with epMotion® ReservoirRacks, for providing up to 16 epT.I.P.S.® Motion per module and up to 7 modules per ReservoirRack (112 tips in total), set consisting of 7 modules

You will find additional download material at the bottom of this page


  • Usable with all tip sizes (10, 50, 300 and 1,000 µL)
  • Up to 16 tips can be loaded per module
  • Up to 7 modules can be positioned in one ReservoirRack (112 tips in total)
  • The tip module can be flexibly combined with the PCR and NGS modules as well as reagent reservoirs
  • The Tip Tool is recommended for loading the tip module
  • epBlue software version 40.7 or higher required