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CryoCube® F570 Series - ULT Freezer

Product Information

Opening your ULT freezer every hour?

The Eppendorf CryoCube F570 series of ULT freezers (also known as ultra-low temperature freezer/-80 °C freezer) is based on a strong compressor for fast recovery to -80 °C after opening. As this class of freezer is often used as real-lab freezer, multiple openings per day are normal – a dynamic and strong cooling system is mandatory for fast recovery to -80 °C after every opening. Provide your valuable samples a safe and cold location. The freezer minimizes operating costs while providing superior protection for your critical samples. A combined insulation based on vacuum insulation panels and polyurethane foam enables extremely low energy consumption during long-term storage ("h" versions). Benefit from sustainable cold storage combined with safe sample storage.

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    • 570 L, classic interface, VIP, green cooling liquids, air cooling
    • handle left side, 5 compartments, ACT, 230 V/50 Hz (EU/GB)
    More Product Details ...
    Catalog no. F571340031
    13.450,00 €

      • 570 L, classic interface, green cooling liquids, air cooling
      • handle left side, 5 compartments, ACT, 230 V/50 Hz (EU/GB)
      More Product Details ...
      Catalog no. F571300031
      12.400,00 €

        • 570 L, classic interface, VIP, green cooling liquids, water cooling
        • handle left side, 5 compartments, 230 V/50 Hz (EU/GB)
        More Product Details ...
        Catalog no. F571340131
        14.550,00 €

        Product Information

        Technical Data



        How can I choose the right ULT freezer in a 500 – 600 L/400 freezer box scale for my lab?

        The Eppendorf CryoCube F570 series offers a 5-compartment lay-out and 5 insulated inner doors for easy sample access and safe sample storage at -80 °C. The walls are 130 mm thick based on foam and vacuum insulation panels (for the “h” version).
        The ULT freezer represents the volume class of 570 L (20.1 cubic feet) and a temperature range from -50 °C to -86 °C. The CryoCube F570 series is based on three different freezer models:

        CryoCube F570n:
        • 130 mm wall (polyurethane insulation)
        • "Green" hydrocarbon-based cooling liquids (R290/ R170)
        • Air-cooling

        CryoCube F570h:
        • 130 mm wall (polyurethane insulation and vacuum insulation panels)
        • "Green" hydrocarbon-based cooling liquids (R290/ R170)
        • Air-cooling

        CryoCube F570hw:
        • 130 mm wall (polyurethane insulation and vacuum insulation panels)
        • "Green" hydrocarbon-based cooling liquids (R290/ R170) for 230 V
        • Water-cooling

        Worried about your sample safety?

        The most important aspect of long-term sample storage is safety. The CryoCube F570 series of freezers is equipped with reliable heavy-duty compressors (2-stage cascade cooling system). Quick pull-down times enable fast re-use after cleaning/defrosting of the instrument. The freezers have short recovery times after opening to provide extra sample safety (Door-Open-Recovery/DOR) when getting back to -80 °C.
        The temperature range of this ULT freezer series is from -50 °C to -86 °C. Most users put the set point to -80 °C.
        The automatic vent port enables fast re-access if needed.
        For even higher sample safety, the ULT freezers can be equipped with CO2/LN2 back-up systems and a chart recorder. Temperature monitor systems can be used to monitor the freezers remotely.

        Burdened by unsorted boxes cluttering your freezer?

        Make your scientific life easier: Store your freezer storage boxes within organized freezer racks. The CryoCube F570 series offers a 5-compartment model as a standard. The compartments can be height-adapted if necessary. A maximum of 25 freezer racks can be stored (5 racks per compartment). The racks can be filled with 4 boxes per drawer/layer, resulting in a maximum storage of 400 freezer boxes (53 mm/2 in) which can be stored in this ULT freezer.
        You can choose between metal racks made of aluminum or stainless steel. Decide if you prefer side access or drawer racks.
        For convenient rack selection, take advantage of the Eppendorf rack selection tool:
        Selection tool for Eppendorf racks (please use Mozilla FireFox)
        For other racking systems, please check the inner dimensions of the freezer and contact Eppendorf.
        Additionally, you might think about a sample management solution beyond sample location documentation by paper or spreadsheet. Check out Eppendorf eLABInventory software

        Which factors influence the sustainability of a freezer?

        Sustainability for ULT freezers is a challenge: Maintaining extremely low temperatures of -80 °C or even -86 °C for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week requires energy.
        The stored samples need to be safe: When the freezer door has been opened, you expect a fast recovery back to -80 °C. Efficient cooling requires energy as well as powerful compressor systems.
        There are multiple factors influencing the energy consumption of a lab freezer for ultra-low temperatures:
        • Thickness of insulation
        • Type of insulation
        • Type of cooling liquids
        • Efficiency of compressors
        • Control of compressor
        • Pressure in cooling system
        • Style of cooling loops (diameter, length, density, ...)
        • Sealings of outer door
        • Sealings of inner doors
        • Insulation of inner doors
        • Insulation of outer door

        Our part for sustainability

        Eppendorf constantly validates and improves production processes for a better sustainability footprint.
        • Production moved into new building with state-of-the-art building insulation to save heating energy and power
        • 100% renewable energy in production facility
        • Heat output during final individual unit testing discharges building heating system
        • Plastic and cardboard compactors introduced and waste rebate system in place
        • Local requirements for waste management (collection of electronic waste like circuit boards, recycling via authorized recycling organizations) and internal guidelines
        • Experience in usage of green cooling liquids in Eppendorf ULT freezers for more than 12 years
        • Packaging parts have increasing share of recycled origin, the cardboard is made of up to 70 % recycled material
        • Packaging is more than 99 % recyclable (wood, cardboard, PE-foil)
        • REACH + RoHS compliant
        • ENERGY STAR® partner
        • ACT/ My Green Lab partner
        • Marketing material is printed on certified paper, focus on pdf wherever possible
        • Shipment of freezers by cargo ship to reduce CO2 footprint

        Learn more about sustainability at Eppendorf

        External validation and certification

        By following our epGreen concept, the Eppendorf freezer R&D team developed intelligent solutions where energy savings are combined with durable long-lasting product quality and ergonomic aspects. By using highly efficient technologies, the CryoCube F570h lab freezer has a very low power consumption value. This future-oriented instrument class provides consumption levels which are ahead of most competitors within this volume class.
        Our performance data are based on an external validation agency where three units of the freezer model are tested.
        Besides this, the CryoCube F570h and the F570n are certified by the ACT label of My Green Lab as well as by ENERGY STAR®.

        Hydrocarbons – green cooling of the future

        In 2014, the European Union announced a ban of all non-hydrocarbon-liquids (EU_517/2014) until 2020. This ban includes all cooling devices except instruments for temperatures below -50 °C. Based on this exception, ULT freezers for -86 °C can continue to run with non-hydrocarbon cooling liquids like HFCs. However, it also makes sense to replace the HFC cooling liquids for ULTs as global warming needs to be slowed down.
        Which cooling liquids can be used as a green alternative? Hydrocarbons are also known as green or natural gases. The two major representatives for cooling purposes are propane and ethane (known as R290 and R170). Based on IEC 60335-2-89, no additional safety instructions for using green gases in ULT freezers are necessary.
        Due to this goal, we at Eppendorf clearly plan to replace all classic cooling ULT freezers in our portfolio within the next years.

        Learn more about the regulations

        Remember 2008?

        As one of the very first advocates of green gases at -86 °C, Eppendorf now has more than 12 years of experience in R&D, production, logistics, and service in the field.
        In 2008, the (Eppendorf) New Brunswick Premium U570h was one of the very first commercially available ULT freezers driven by green cooling liquids.

        Air-conditioning at the limit? Go for water-cooling

        You can improve the conditions and comfort in your lab while saving energy by installing a water-cooled ULT freezer. Many of these lab freezers use the air in the laboratory to extract heat energy from the freezer’s heat exchanger. Another option is to use a water-cooled ULT freezer connected to a facility’s recirculating water system. A constant stream of water removes the heat from the heat exchanger, rather than the ambient air in the lab.
        What are the benefits of water-cooling for ULT freezers?
        • Reduce air conditioning power consumption within the room where your freezer is located by letting the water carry away the heat
        • The heated cooling water can be reused for other heat-demanding systems in the facility
        System specifications:
        • Minimum flow: 29 L/h
        • Inlet pressure: 1 – 10 bar
        • Temperature range of water: 7 °C to 25 °C

        Discover more aspects of water-cooling

        PhysioCare® – ergonomics for my freezer?

        Ergonomics goes far beyond the »ergonomically designed chair«. Eppendorf already started to optimize the ergonomics of laboratory devices in the early 1970s. In 2003, we started the PhysioCare Concept, focusing on ergonomic liquid handling devices like our pipettes.
        Nowadays, the Eppendorf PhysioCare Concept has been extended to include further laboratory products to provide a holistic solution to harmonize the workflow in your laboratory with your health and well-being.
        Examples for Eppendorf ULT freezers include:
        • Intuitive interface for easy handling
        • Automatic vent port for easy re-access to samples
        • Low noise level for pleasant working conditions
        • Ergonomic door handle for easy opening and closing
        • All cable interfaces are located at one corner for convenient access

        Further information about the Eppendorf PhysioCare Concept:

        Ergonomics in daily work

        The main focus of our ULT freezer door handle is to provide you the best ergonomics we can design. Especially the new door handle of the CryoCube models is based on the Eppendorf PhysioCare Concept®: Safe grip but very light forces are needed to open and close the freezer door.

        Sample identification needed?

        Sorting samples in freezer boxes and freezer racks is the first level of improved storage efficiency. Correct and stable labeling is your next level: The SafeCode system provides prelabeled, barcoded vessels with 3-level coding in multiple formats to safeguard your samples and improve your processes.
        Eppendorf DataPort provides all relevant vessel information for complete documentation such as certificates, lot number, drawings, and order number, all online.
        Manage your barcoded samples with sample management software like eLABJournal.

        Lost in samples? Stay organized!

        Over many years, you collect hundreds and thousands of samples – samples that are the results of years of hard work – samples of high value. When storing these in the ULT freezer at -80°C, it is vital to keep them safe and accessible.
        Many scientists still use spreadsheets or even paper-based lists to keep track of their storage. While these solutions may work most of the time, they are susceptible to human error, damage, and misplacement.
        Keep track of your samples with eLabInventory
        eLabInventory is a sample management software.

        Start a free 30-day trial!
        Visit www.eLabInventory.com

        Struggling with paper-based documentation?

        The eLabJournal Electronic Lab Notebook offers an intuitive and flexible solution to document research and track research data like workflow processes where the ULT freezer is involved. Improve efficiency when documenting, organizing, searching, and archiving collected data. With the free eLabJournal add-ons, you can extend the functionality of eLabJournal to a fully integrated Laboratory Information Management System.

        Start a free 30-day trial!
        Visit www.eLabJournal.com

        Efficient lab and device management with VisioNize® Lab Suite

        Are you interested in monitoring your lab devices and receiving notifications e.g., for device alarms? A digital, connected lab offers even more.

        Gain access to a modular range of digital services and choose what works for your lab. VisioNize Lab Suite offers everything you need as a Lab Manager or Scientist to get started to digitally manage your lab for increased sample security, compliance needs and maintenance management.

        Chart your own course to digital lab excellence! Find out more


        Disposal of packaging
        The packaging of the ULT freezer contains different materials, this includes a wooden pallet, cardboard, a plastic dust cover, and some foam parts. Recycling of materials becomes more and more important every day: Are you aware that nearly all cardboard material is recycled in Europe? Our freezer packaging cardboard material consists of ca. 70% recycling material. Please support the global sustainability initiative of recycling valuable raw material by also collecting the freezer cardboard packaging material and disposing of it in the appropriate collection container at your organization. In respect to the plastic dust cover made of LD-PE and the foam parts, we recommend to select a dedicated recycling partner where PE material can be recycled. We suggest you contact your local waste hauler or facility management team to understand the available recycling options for your organization.

        Disposal of instrument
        Our freezers last for many years, but if they need to be replaced, we kindly ask you to fulfill local requirements for disposal of these instruments. We strongly recommend a certified local recycling partner with experience in instruments with active cooling. Keeping it “local“ reduces the impact of transportation, and the „certified“ aspect is recommended due to the safe and sustainable removal and recycling of the cooling liquids.

        This piece of equipment was used in a laboratory and/ or was used to handle biological samples. Please keep in mind to adequately decontaminate the equipment which needs to be disposed. Check local requirements. For more information, get in contact with your local biosafety officer and/ or waste officer. Check if your local recycling partner has special instructions and/ or documentation requirements. You may also use the Eppendorf decontamination form sheet as guidance.