Local Distributors

Eppendorf Belgium N.V./S.A.
Nijverheidslaan 22
3200 Aarschot
Phone: +32 (0)16 52 58 10
Fax: +32 (0)16 57 27 53
E-Mail: info-be@eppendorf.be
Web: www.eppendorf.be
- All
Filter Service
Handelsstrasse 16
4700 Eupen
Phone: +32 (0)87 595.170
Fax: +32 (0)87 595.179
E-Mail: info@filterservice.be
Web: www.filterservice.be
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates
Fisher Scientific BVBA-SPRL
Clintonpark - Keppekouter
Ninovesteenweg 198
B-9320 Erembodegem - Aalst, Belgium
Phone: +32 56 260 260
Fax: +32 56 260 270
E-Mail: be.fisher@thermofisher.com
Web: www.be.fishersci.com
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates
Industriezone Grensland E2
Ringlaan 7
B-8930 Menen
Phone: +32 (0)56 531.133
Fax: +32 (0)56 531.143
E-Mail: info@mls.be
Web: www.mls.be
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates
Merck Life Science BV
Ildefonse Vandammestraat 5/7B
1560 Hoeilaart
Phone: (+32) (0)70 225645
Fax: +32 (0)3 899 13 11
E-Mail: benlcustomerrelations@merckgroup.com
- Biophoto- and Biospectrometers
- Celltechnology
- Centrifuges and rotors
- CO2 Incubators
- Dispensers
- Freezers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- PCR Thermocyclers and consumables
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates
- Shakers
Novolab NV
Diebeke 7
9500 Geraardsbergen
Phone: 054/42.15.80
Fax: 054/42.17.25
E-Mail: info@novolab.be
Web: www.novolab.be
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates
VWR International Belgium
Haasrode Research park zone 2020
Geldenaaksebaan 464
3001 Leuven
Phone: +32 16 385 011
Fax: +32 16 385 385
E-Mail: vwr.be@vwr.com
Web: https://be.vwr.com/store/
- Centrifuges and rotors
- Dispensers
- Mixers and temperature control systems
- Pipette tips
- Pipettes
- Reaction tubes and plates